Monday, December 7, 2009

Scotts Valley Motorcycle Center highlights female riders, safety

Harley-riding anthropologist Barbara Joans will sign copies of her memoir, "Bike Lust: Harleys, Women and American Society" 2001, at Scotts Valley Motorcycle Center 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. The signing is part of an open house at the center, featuring female motorcyclists and safety demonstrations from law enforcement.

"I think there's a misconception that women don't drive motorcycles," said David McBrayer, owner of Scotts Valley Motorcycle Center. McBrayer organized the event to provide "insight into what many people don't realize is a shared sport."

Joans' book gives a take on two-wheeling from her vantage point as a female motorcyclist and academic. When she's not on her Harley-Davidson Low Rider, Jones serves as director of the Merritt Museum of Anthropology and chair of the Department of Anthropology at Merritt College in Oakland.

Bay Area photographer and motorcyclist Christina Shook will sign books alongside Joans. Shooks' coffee table book, "Chicks on Bikes" 2009, chronicles the culture and lifestyle of female motorcyclists. Through photos and stories, "Chicks on Bikes" covers young female racers, wind-roughened seniors, grease-covered mechanics and motorcycle fashion designers.

Female ownership of motorcycles is now the fastest-growing segment of new motorcycle owners, according to a 2008 Motorcycle Industry Council Owner Survey, and the demographic recently crossed the 10-percent mark, increasing from 9.6 percent in 2003 up to 12.3 percent in 2008.

Lt. John Hohmann from the Scotts Valley Police Department will give riding demonstrations 1-3 p.m. during the safety portion of the event, which will continue until 4 p.m. A Scotts Valley Fire Department member will hold CPR training and discuss first-aid techniques specific to motorcycle accidents.

"With motorcycle accidents, you often have internal injuries that are hard to recognize," said McBrayer, who explained that first responders to motorcycle accidents often don't realize first aid is a bit different when the accident victim is wearing a helmet. "There's a need for an understanding of how important it is to have basic first-aid skills."

Jenny Lefferts, CEO of Mad Maps Inc., is also expected to make a special appearance at Saturday's open house. Mad Maps publishes backroad touring maps and travel guides featuring scenic byways and drives for motorcycles and ATVs.

The number of American households that own motorcycles jumped 26 percent between 2003 and 2008, while the overall number of U.S. households increased roughly 5 percent, according to the Motorcycle Industry survey. Transportation climbed to second place as a reason owners gave for purchasing a motorcycle.

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