Friday, November 27, 2009

Electric motorcycle racing – now that’s where it’s at

We might be seeing the start of a new form of motorsport. Electric motorcycles have really been at the cutting edge of development recently, and it’s going to be really interesting to see exactly what happens.

In fact, the governing body of the MotoGP series is in the process of organizing some races. There are already four on the calendar, with more expected. While no official rules are yet available, it does go without saying that this will draw all kinds of attention to the electric vehicle scene.

And while electric motorcycles are certainly exciting, perhaps you’d prefer something more sedate. Turns out that Rolls-Royce is also jumping onto the green bandwagon with a electric powered Phantom. It’ll be released next year, but don’t expect your bank to finance it for you. It’s going to sell for half a million.

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